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This page contains the transcripts and insights of the 2 key interviews conducted with the mother of the baby during Phase 1 of the project. These insights were used to achieve several goals, namely:


1. To get a better understanding of the target user(the mother) and her wants, needs, struggles, desires and difficulties concerning the baby

2. To understand the main issues or problems that we should focus on solving for the mother.

3. The key aspects, points of information and insights that would be used to inform the group in choosing a suitable direction for the project

Interview 1

A 17-minute-long interview was conducted with the mother to gain a comprehensive understanding of the various challenges and changes faced by women throughout the stages of motherhood, as well as the subsequent changes in infant behaviour faced by the new parents. A significant focus point of the interview was dedicated to understanding the intricacies of infant development, as understanding these development milestones and associated changes was crucial in anticipating challenges that mothers may encounter.

The insights gained from this interview will be used to guide the development of a product that addresses specific pain points that arise during this critical phase of life.


Visual Notes


Relevant Users


  • The baby is described as social and not easily annoyed

  • The baby needs frequent entertainment and engagement as he is quickly bored with ongoing activities, potentially showing demand towards products that offer a variety of stimuli or educational value.

  • The baby is transitioning from bottle-feeding to solids, presenting struggles with messiness and feeding efficiency. A solution that could simplify the feeding process, reduce mess, or encourage self-feeding with less chaos would be valuable.

  • The baby's sleep is improving but still presents challenges, suggesting that solutions aimed at monitoring and enhancing sleep quality could be helpful.



  • As a work-from-home mother who also attends university, the mother faces challenges in managing her time effectively when the baby is needy. Products or services that can provide distraction or learning opportunities for the baby, allowing the mother to focus on work or studies, would be helpful.

  • The mother has reduced personal time for activities like sports and music, highlighting an opportunity for a solution that integrates well into a busy schedule or allows for inclusive activities that the baby can be a part of.

  • There's a sense of guilt and a wish to be doing "better or more" for the baby, suggesting that maybe supportive or educational products for mother-baby interaction could ease these concerns.

  • The mother values social outings and the support of friends who are accepting of the baby being present. Perhaps having products that enhance mobility, convenience, and social interaction could foster this aspect of her lifestyle.

Points of Interest

1/ Time Management & Productivity
  • The mother is trying to balance work, personal time, and baby care, especially given her partner's work schedule, but she struggles with this balance, especially during days when the baby requires more attention.

  • She also struggles with keeping her baby entertained while also managing household chores or working

  • She values productivity and finds it challenging when the baby's needs disrupt her workflow.

  • She places a high value on efficiency and seems to struggle with balancing her time effectively, especially when her partner is away due to work in the UK

  • This may suggest a demand for solutions that streamline daily tasks or assist in multitasking without compromising the baby's care.

  • The mother also struggles to find time for personal activities, such as music and sports and experiences guilt when not engaging with her child. A solution that combines baby entertainment with adult productivity or leisure could be very useful. 

  • The mother also finds it difficult to perform house chores while taking care of the baby due to the baby’s demand for attention. 

  • Products that safely incorporate the baby into household activities or provide secure, temporary engagement can be impactful.


The insights from this interview reveal opportunities for developing products that:

  • Enhance productivity and efficiency in parents’ daily routines.

  • Provide engaging, educational, and self-directed entertainment for babies.

  • Simplify and make feeding transitions cleaner and more efficient.

  • Offer flexibility and mobility for active families.

  • Support quiet operation to not disturb sleeping babies.

  • integrate musical elements for entertainment and relaxation.

  • Encourage parental wellness and comfort in baby care routines.

Product Development Opportunity Areas

Considering these insights, the product development focus could include:

  • Multi-functional baby entertainment centres that are compact and offer a variety of stimuli to keep the baby engaged for longer periods. These could integrate educational aspects to aid in development.

  • Innovative feeding aids that make the transition to solids smoother, less messy, and more engaging for the baby. This could include smart spoons, bowls that encourage self-feeding without the mess, or interactive feeding apps.

  • Portable and compact baby gear for small living spaces and easy transportation during social outings. Products that are collapsible or offer seamless integration into adult spaces could be particularly valuable.

  • Parent-baby activity kits that encourage shared experiences and development, addressing the mother's desire to do more for her baby. These could include music-based activities, fitness, or other hobbies that are adaptable for baby inclusion.

Interview 2

A second 35-minute interview was conducted with the mother to propose an initial solution that the group had conceived in the previous weeks and to better understand her specific needs. Updates were requested to the mother to note any changes/trends/behavioural patterns in the baby, and input was taken from the mother for specific requirements that she had. 


The aforementioned initial solution proposed was an portable playground with engaging and developmentally appropriate toys that adapted to the baby's growth. More detail can be found at:




Relevant Users


  • Improvement in handling feeding transitions, and reducing messiness, but the mother still feels guilty when she has to focus on other tasks, highlighting the need for solutions that foster independence while ensuring safety.

  • The baby exhibits a keen interest in colours, and anything within reach instantly captures his attention, suggesting the importance of incorporating a variety of visually stimulating and tactile elements in product designs.

  • Shows a preference for moving around independently, as seen through his joy in using a walker, indicating potential interest in toys or solutions that enable exploration and motor skill development.

  • Exhibits curiosity towards mirrors and reflections, presenting opportunities for products incorporating reflective surfaces to engage his attention and encourage self-discovery.

  • Responds well to texture and enjoys banging objects together, pointing towards the creation of products that can withstand rough handling and also offer sensory feedback.

  • Morning periods are highlighted as ideal times for self-entertainment, emphasizing the need for solutions that can sustain the baby's engagement for at least an hour to support the mother's productivity.

  • He demonstrates a potential interest in interactive elements and music integration, suggesting that toys or environments with responsive features could enhance his engagement and offer developmental benefits.

  • The baby still requires regular entertainment but seems to develop separation anxiety when the mother leaves the room, indicating a preference for engaging solutions that don’t necessarily require constant parental presence but may provide a sense of security.

  • The baby has begun attending daycare, introducing social elements to his routine, which could mean an openness to shared play experiences even if direct interaction may still be developing.



  • Identifies the morning as an optimal time for uninterrupted work, indicating a specific need for engaging the baby independently during this period. She also states that ideally getting 2 hours uninterrupted in the morning for work, 1-2 hours in the day and 2 hours in the evening would be the best-case scenario

  • Experiences guilt when not actively engaging with her baby, indicating products that encourage interaction or reassure the mother of the baby's developmental benefits during independent play could alleviate these feelings.

  • Values portable solutions for social outings and desires a more comfortable and practical solution for carrying essentials, stressing the need for compact and multifunctional design in outdoor baby gear.

  • Seeks solutions that offer safety and supervision without constant hands-on involvement, stressing the importance of integrating safety features into independent play solutions.

  • Interested in enhancing baby's development through toys, valuing both cognitive and motor skill enhancement, leaning slightly more towards motor skills for the product focus, which suggests the integration of educational elements in play solutions would be beneficial.

  • Prefers wood and non-plastic materials due to safety concerns regarding the baby putting toys in his mouth, indicating a preference for natural, durable, and safe materials in product design.

  • Prefers toys that are fun, useful for development, visually appealing, and potentially made of wood or soft materials that are safe to put in the mouth.

  • Indicates a necessity for more padding in play areas as the baby begins to sit and move more independently, suggesting an additional layer of safety and comfort could be beneficial.

  • She does not have a preference for toys to match the surroundings of her apartment.

General Points of interest

1/ Enhanced Productivity &
Independent Play
  • The mother expressed a desire for uninterrupted work time, particularly in the mornings, indicating a preference for solutions that can engage the baby independently for at least an hour, and 1-2 hours at midday and in the evening. This reinforces the need for products that can safely entertain the baby, allowing the mother to focus on productivity.

  • The concept of a "portable playground" with modular components was well-received, suggesting a market demand for adaptable and evolving entertainment solutions that grow with the baby’s developmental stages.

Playground Specific points of interest

1/ Engaging & Adaptable Playground
  • Develop a modular, interactive play environment designed to evolve with the baby’s growth, featuring visually stimulating and tactile elements, reflective surfaces, and safe, durable materials suitable for teething and rough play. 

  • This could include a variety of detachable toys and activities that promote motor skills and cognitive development, with an hour-long engagement focus. 

  • This playground could incorporate elements like built-in toy attachments to keep the baby entertained in various stages of its development.

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